SY – Proposed Taper Plan

This is a good example where taper plans can change depending on current circumstances and why taper plans can vary wildly between people.

After speaking to SY he has a slight niggle in his shoulder. The niggle came about in a non-training environment (putting on his shirt!) but it could still be linked to his training (e.g. his muscles were tired and sore from training). As such he’ll be resting today, and spending the time stretching out his shoulder and buying flowers for his wife to show how much he appreciates her support.

Additionally, he is in a great position to have his swim teacher, Paul Hunt,  take him out for some open water swim practise this weekend. As such we’re reducing the bike/run sessions at the weekend to accommodate it.

At this point his legs are sore from all the training so the bike/run sessions are there to help loosen up this week, and then give them a quick reminder at the weekend of what they’re in for at Mont Tremblant.

Go get em!

Week of Mon Tues Wednes Thurs Fri Sat Sun
06/08/2015 REST Swim/Bike (5×200 yards with 1 minute break. NO BREAKS ON EVERY LAP! 30minute easy spin). PRACTISE TRANSITION. OPTIONAL: Swim. NO LAP BREAKS! Swim/Run (drills, 4×200 yards. Easy run for 10 minutes) Rest OWS with Paul. 60 minute bike ride (15min warm/up, 45 minutes at race intensity). Optional 15 min run. PRACTISE TRANSITIONS! OWS with Paul. 1hour run (15min easy warm/up. 15min at race intensity)
06/15/2015 REST Bike/Run (10min warm/up on bike. 20min at race intensity. 10 minute run at race intensity). PRACTISE TRANSITION Rest/Pack Bike/Prep bags Swim/Run (drills, 4×200 yards. Easy run for 10 minutes) Rest/TRAVEL 15min swim. Finish with 3-5min hard swimming focusing on form. Test bike ~ 10 minute bike ride. Run for ~ 10 minutes. Try to start the session at ~ same time as the race EAGLEMAN
Race intensity = Zone 2!!!!


================= PLAN BEFORE SPEAKING =====================================

Haven’t had a chance to catch up 1-on-1 with SY yet, but here’s the taper plan I’m going to propose depending on how he’s feeling, if there are any injury niggles, whether there are any travel constraints, etc.

The goal of the taper period if to maintain frequency in the swim where SY is still consolidating gains from previous weeks/months of training. As his technique is still evolving I want him to do lots of short swims in the lead up to the race so that the technique still feels familiar once he gets into the water at MT70.3. For a more experienced swimmer I would change it up slightly.

He did well at Black bear Olypmic triathlon finishing the 1500m in 42minutes. At that same pace he would finish the 70.3 swim in the low 50s. Given his concern is the cutoff, he has plenty of room to play with: ~15 minutes. Additionally he won’t be leaving in the last swim wave so in likelyhood he can go 50% slower than at Black Bear and still make the cutoff. From there it should be be relatively straightforward for him to finish.

Week of Mon Tues Wednes Thurs Fri Sat Sun
06/08/2015 Swim. NO LAP BREAKS! Swim/Bike (5×200 yards with 1 minute break. NO BREAKS ON EVERY LAP! 30minute easy spin). PRACTISE TRANSITION. OPTIONAL: Swim. NO LAP BREAKS! Swim/Run (drills, 4×200 yards. Easy run for 10 minutes) Rest 45minute swim (5min warm/up. 10min drills/30m continuous swim). 90 minute bike ride (15min warm/up, 75 minutes at race intensity). Optional 15 min run. PRACTISE TRANSITIONS! 1hour run (15min easy warm/up. 30min at race intensity. 15 min easy run)
06/15/2015 Swim/Bike (5×200 yards with 1 minute break. NO BREAKS ON EVERY LAP! 30minute easy spin). PRACTISE TRANSITION Bike/Run (10min warm/up on bike. 20min at race intensity. 10 minute run at race intensity). PRACTISE TRANSITION Rest/Pack Bike/Prep bags Swim/Run (drills, 4×200 yards. Easy run for 10 minutes) Rest/TRAVEL 15min swim. Finish with 3-5min hard swimming focusing on form. Test bike ~ 10 minute bike ride. Run for ~ 10 minutes. Try to start the session at ~ same time as the race MT 70.3

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