Review of Training Hours/TSS/Peak Heart Rates for me – March->June

So, when we get into the habit of putting our stuff into TP we can get some good stats. Ignore the distance column because it will miss stuff like Computrainer sessions, but from the screenshot below we can ascertain:

  • Number of hours training from March through May are very consistent
  • From March -> May, top level intensity was gradually reduced (i.e. we’re becoming more race specific)
  • Despite top-level intensity decreasing from March->May, TSS went up substantially in May.
    • The reason for this is that there are less-intervals and more steady state training (i.e. 2x20min@85% has more TSS than 5x3min @ 120% as the latter has lots of recovery spinning in the session).
  • During June you can see top intensity dropping a lot (week 1: 5min heart rate max = 172, week2: 166, week3 (so far): 159.)
  • Week of 8th June looks like it’s missing some data so June is likely to be incorrect with respect to monthly TSS numbers


The reason for this gradual change is that I am gradually getting ready for Ironman Mont Tremblant. March and April were characterised with some more intense races (e.g. CRCA bike races, 10ks and half-marathons) and then in May I started doing longer distance races and took out a little intensity of my speed sessions to make sure I’m not overloaded.

Unfortunately today I have a quad strain and depending on how that goes Junes numbers may look less consistent due to missing data and the rest of this weeks training perhaps not happening. Will be back on track for July!

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